Are You A...
Sunday School teacher desiring to be more effective?
Parent longing to lead your child to Christ?
Church team needing children's ministry training for a missions trip?
Children's worker ministering to at-risk children?
Missionary seeking strategies for ministry to children?
You Need TCE!
Teaching Children Effectively Level 1 is designed to offer a fresh approach to evangelizing and teaching children. Based on Spiritual and educational principles, the course provides the methods and procedures to lead children to Christ and immediately equips the believer to begin and sustain a ministry where he lives. Student practicums are a vital part of the instructional procedure, making TCE a refreshing way to train Christians in child evangelism.
Topics Include:
How to Lead a Child to Christ
Bible Lesson Preparation & Presentation
Scripture Memorization
Counseling the Child for Salvation
Teaching with Music
Managing Your Classroom
.... and more! (33 hours total instruction)
Monday Evenings
January 13, 2020 - March 16, 2020
5:30 - 9:00 pm
$135 (includes student manual, starter lesson kit, course notebook, and 33 hours of certified instruction)
Held at:
Seven Pines Baptist Church
22 Seven Pines Road
Barnwell, SC 29812
A $25 non-refundable deposit is due to CEF Orangeburg/Lower Savannah District by Friday, January 3, 2020. This course deposit may be paid online using the button below or via check to CEF, P.O. Box 245, Orangeburg, SC 29116.